Help Me Keep Stink Bugs Away From My Pennsylvania Property
New York and New Jersey Pest Experts

Brown marmorated stink bugs aren’t native to the United States. Still, they’re undoubtedly problematic for Pennsylvania home and property owners - and many other homeowners across the nation, primarily in the mid-Atlantic region.

Although they’re known for being more of a nuisance pest indoors and do not pose a health risk to humans and pets, they cause extensive damage to fruit and vegetable plants, trees, crops, and gardens. The sheer amount of stink bugs, which tend to invade in large numbers in the fall, and their need to find warm shelter to survive the winter make it difficult to rid of these pests on your own. Read on for more about brown marmorated stink bugs, the problems they can cause to your home and property, and prevention tips.

How To Identify Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs

Brown marmorated stink bugs are roughly two centimeters in length with shield-shaped brownish-grey bodies with black speckling. With broad bodies, they are almost as wide as they are long. Native to Asia and a common agricultural pest in China, Japan, and Korea, stink bugs were first identified in the United States in the late ’90s and have since spread throughout the country as a common agricultural pest.

Stink bugs were named after the foul-smelling odor these insects emit to deter predators when they fear danger. Though some people can’t smell the odor that stink bugs emit, the way it’s described varies, with some recalling the pungent scent as akin to burnt tires, skunk, cilantro, or ammonia.

How Stink Bugs Can Damage My Home & Property

Stink bugs are particularly problematic during the fall months. They begin seeking a warm, dark, undisturbed place to overwinter, a process that allows them to slow down activity and survive through the winter. Unfortunately, this quest may lead them into your home, especially if there are cracks and crevices in the foundation or around window and door frames, where they can gain entry. Because they are known to invade large numbers, these pests can be difficult to get rid of, especially since they prefer to congregate in hard-to-reach places such as wall voids.

In crops and gardens, a few stink bugs won’t cause much damage, but large infestations can thwart the growth of young plants, causing them to droop, become mishappen and decay or die.

Tips On Stink Bug Prevention

Because there’s potential for the stink bug population to grow to high numbers, an invasion is handled best with help from professionals. But to make your home less appealing to stink bugs, consider the following three prevention tips.

  • Vacuum consistently. Unlike other pests, killing a stink bug doesn’t attract more stink bugs to the site. Vacuuming daily or several times throughout the week provides a way to get rid of any rogue pests quickly; be sure to discard the trash bag in an airtight garbage bin afterward.

  • Seal cracks in foundation or window and door frames. Prevent stink bugs from entering the home by sealing possible entry points. Repair small crevices and holes with caulk and remain vigilant to any new damage.

  • Keep garden areas free of debris. If you are managing a garden or crop, keep the area as clear from clutter as possible, including regularly cutting the grass around the property and keeping weed growth to a minimum. Excess overgrowth and clutter attract stink bugs, providing them with a hiding spot and food source.

Call In The Pros - BHB Pest Elimination

BHB Pest Elimination offers full-service pest control solutions for home and property owners experiencing a stink bug invasion or a pest problem of another kind. With a custom prevention plan tailored to your needs, we’ll stop these pests from causing further damage to your property and from posing a nuisance to those indoors. Contact BHB Pest Elimination today.

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